Film viewing Practice essay
In the opening of Agent Carter, nonsimultaneous sound is occurring while Peggy and Captain are talking allowing the audience insight to previous events. This is followed by a sound bridge that opens into an overview of part of New York. Peggy and Agent Flynn then have a conversation onscreen which allows the audience to see that she is not being taken seriously and instead is seen in the eyes of her male counterparts as more of a secretary. The next major scene for sound occurs when the buzzer gets set off offscreen, giving Peggy a chance to show her abilities. The dialog between Peggy and the guards reinforces that most see her as unable to defend herself, referring to her as sweetheart and such. This is followed by offscreen sound cutting back and forth from inside the warehouse where the guy behind the desk is paying no attention to outside where Peggy finally shows what she is capable of. Fast paced nondiegetic sound is added into the outside fight scene, only to be paralleled by t...