
Showing posts from November, 2020

Film viewing Practice essay

In the opening of Agent Carter, nonsimultaneous sound is occurring while Peggy and Captain are talking allowing the audience insight to previous events. This is followed by a sound bridge that opens into an overview of part of New York. Peggy and Agent Flynn then have a conversation onscreen which allows the audience to see that she is not being taken seriously and instead is seen in the eyes of her male counterparts as more of a secretary. The next major scene for sound occurs when the buzzer gets set off offscreen, giving Peggy a chance to show her abilities. The dialog between Peggy and the guards reinforces that most see her as unable to defend herself, referring to her as sweetheart and such. This is followed by offscreen sound cutting back and forth from inside the warehouse where the guy behind the desk is paying no attention to outside where Peggy finally shows what she is capable of. Fast paced nondiegetic sound is added into the outside fight scene, only to be paralleled by t...

Graphic Organizer for different film codes


Mis-en-scene Areas in Illumination Studios How the Grinch Stole Christmas

 Setting: The movie opens with a flock of birds flying into the town square of whoville. Even from the first sight of whoville, a sense of joy rushes over you, as the sound is happy, and the sun is rising on the snow covered town. Then, at first glance, you see the town filled with decoration and the citizens being polite and cheerful, as christmas is right around the corner. The wide camera angles help the viewer to understand how this town looks and feels during the holiday season.  Lighting: When displaying the lighting of the town, you can see many different colors coming from the reflection of ornaments, the sunlight beaming down, and reflecting off the snow that covers the ground. However. this parallels the grinch's cave, where little sunlight is let in, and there are no colorful lights, or ornaments, and the cave is covered on the outside by a shadow, keeping the snow from reflecting the light of the sun. This gives the cave a feeling of despair and gloom, rather than ...

5 Master Edits with sound

  5 Master Edits With Sound Although the sounds I chose may seem unconventional, they add character to my video. For contrast, I used heavy footsteps to also contrast how a cat normally walks. Typically, you cannot hear a cat walking, as they are so sneaky and silent. By using heavy footsteps, this parallels that idea. This is post-synchronization sound because I decided to add it after I took the clip. For parallelism, I used crickets to make it seem like the crunchy taco was silent, even thought it was really anything but silent. This is non-diegetic sound because the individuals couldn't hear the sound while it was being filmed, but the audience now can. For symbolism, I put a horse sniffing and a leopard roaring because I think thats how my pets see themselves, and thought the sound was fitting. This is offscreen sound, as it was added after the scene ended. For simultaneity, I used someone chewing to show how it sounded in real life, and music because Jacenda was making a tik ...