Semester Exam- Film Analyses of Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 4

     In the clip from Black Mirror, there were many different elements that helped to highlight the importance of the opening scene in the overall movie. This ranges from sound, lighting, camera angles, costume, and editing. All of this put together makes for some important pieces.

    When looking at camera angles individually, some of the ones used included the following shot into a pan over what the night club looked like. The shot then widened out to a medium shot, in order to show how Yorkie was beginning to loosen up as time went on. This helped the viewer to feel more relaxed as well. However, after the close-up shot shows her uncomfortable encounter with a boy, to say the least, Yorkie tenses up, leaving the arcade area, changing the camera shot and angle again. Then, another close-up is used between Yorkie and Kelly, as she seems to feel more comfortable once again after Wess leaves.

    The sound used plays an important role in bringing out the viewer's thoughts and emotions as well. As Yorkie is walking down the sidewalk, there is a diegetic sound of a song playing from a nearby car. After this car is not close enough to hear the music coming from the radio, something whispers in Yorkie's ear the words, "I see you" as Yorkie then looks up and sees Kelly or the girl in the purple Jacket who she does not know yet. This creates an eerie feeling as it almost seems like Yorkie and Kelly have a connection even though they have yet to speak to each other. Synchronous sound takes over as Yorkie then enters the club. While everyone around her is dancing to the music, she does not seem amused. This is until she hears an offscreen sound of arcade machines. This is when Yorkie really begins to loosen up. As she's in the arcade, a boy comes up to her, trying to make conversation. Yorkie is trying her best to ignore him until he asks her to play a game in there where a car crashes into a building. Then, the upbeat music changes to sounding eerie, giving the viewer a bad feeling. At this point, Yorkie exits the arcade going back into the club where she finally meets Kelly, who needs her to escape from her date who won't stop bugging her. After Wess leaves, the two girls seem to talk and become friends.

    The editing techniques used to play a role in keeping the viewer up to speed on what is happening, however.  While Yorkie is trying to avoid the boy from the arcade, Kelly is attempting to avoid Wess. This shows parallelism between the two characters and shows that there is an unknown connection between the two girls. The lighting is lowkey to set the mood and in the very opening scene, you can see the neon lights of the city reflecting off a body of water. This along with the title of the movie makes me think it is set in California somewhere during the '80s. The main character throughout the scene seems upset and on edge until she meets Kelly. After meeting Kelly, Yorkie seems more relaxed and laid back. 

    Mise-en-scene, however, seems to play the biggest role in the opening scene and its importance. Important cues such as big hair and scrunchies, costumes consisting of bright neon colors and big jackets, and music made from back during this decade made it clear that the time period was the '80s. The scene opens with frontality, almost to show the discomfort the main character Yorkie feels. The music playing in the club offers the older viewers a sense of nostalgia and an uplifted mood. There is also a mood shift from the quiet, dark street with less vibrant clothing to the inside of the club where music is blaring and everyone is dressed for a night out.  However, the most important thing to be noted is the contrast between Kelly and Yorkie. While Kelly appears friendly and outgoing with her makeup, jewelry, hair done, and flashy clothing, Yorkie appears more antisocial and timid. Her clothes are very plain, she wears big glasses with not jewelry. However, the two clearly have something in common, the viewer just doesn't know what yet.

    Overall, there were many different important factors all around that lead the viewer to make their own inferences about what is going to happen to Yorkie. Different film codes, such as sound, camera angles, editing, and mise-en-scene all contribute to the film and help to individualize them in their own unique ways.


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